7 Natural Ways To Treat Receding Gums

The beauty of one’ smile which is further enhanced by the set of teeth one possesses. However, a very unfortunate situation is the gum recession problem of. Which occurs when there is a display of excessive teeth root due to the decline of gum which surrounds the teeth?

What are Receding Gums?

Gum diseases, also known as gingivitis. It is a common condition characterized by symptoms like persistent bad breath, red or swollen gums, bleeding gums, receding gums, and loose teeth.

Receding gums can be identified by tooth sensitivity. It can be caused by a number of things but almost always point to gum disease poor hygiene practices, hormonal imbalances or brushing too aggressively that allow bacteria to grow.

The primary cause of gum disease is poor oral hygiene, resulting in plaque buildup and under the gum line. Plaque builds when bacteria attach to the tooth and gum margins.Risk factors like Poor nutrition, Stress, Certain medications, Diabetes, Smoking, Hormonal changes, Genetic predisposition, Rough brushing, Infection and also other illness.

1.Hormonal changes:
Adolescent age along with pregnancy at its peak can lead to a hormonal imbalance in the body. This causes sensitivity in the gums and might lead to the receding of gums as well.

2.Genetic predisposition:
Genetically hailed diseases cause this dental problem as well. Several people suffering from this disease due to a genetic problem. This problem is carried on generation after generation and has practically lesser methods of cure.

3.Rough brushing:
It is always recommended to brush your teeth softly with a soft bristle toothbrush.  Rough brushing can cause serious injuries to the gum, at times gum bleeding as well. Receding gum can also be caused due to the same.

This is the worst condition where infection acts upon the gum and destroys it completely. The gum along with the bone gets affected too severely.

If it is not treated and taken care of properly that may damage to the gum and become so bad teeth then it begins to falling out.

Here a few natural ways to treat receding gums that can be to alleviate symptoms, treat gum disease and prevent further complications.

Natural remedies:

Rinse your mouth with sea salt
Try to rinse your mouth every morning with lukewarm water and some salt. This will reduce the pain to a great extent and cause a lessening of the swollen gum.

1.Green tea’s antioxidants
Drinking green tea on a regular basis can actually strengthen up gums and teeth and other than that it also acts as a purifying agent.

2.Use tea tree oil
Tea tree oil to has medicinal properties which makes it a good product for the skin. Other than that, it has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce swelling up of gums. Mix it with your regular toothpaste and use it for best results.

3.Rinse with sesame oil
The oil has natural healing properties due to its antibacterial properties. Rinsing your mouth with this oil for a whole month can be very beneficial for the gums. Take a spoon of the oil, keep it in your mouth and then spit it and rinse it with fresh water.

4.Consume chamomile tea
Chamomile tea is medically prescribed for people suffering from gum inflammation. If you do not want to consume it, rinse your mouth with the same by adding it in warm water. Repeating the process thrice a day can give amazing results.

5.Coconut oil
Mixing coconut oil with baking soda helps to remove the bacteria and kill unwanted germs. It is used to treat pain in the gums too.

6.Cranberry fruit at its best
If you suffer from dental problems, drink cranberry juice to prevent diseases from cropping up. It is rich in vitamin C and acts as a cleaner to flush out the bacteria that harden up your teeth.

7.Sea salt
Try to rinse your mouth every morning with lukewarm water and some salt. This will reduce the pain to a great extent and cause a lessening of the swollen gum.

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